SMC News

Opening of Site Office in SHI

SMC is pleased to report opening of Site Office in Samsung Heavy Industries, Korea for the Supervision of Hull No. SN4129, the second unit from the series of 3 x 174,000 m3 LNG Carriers ordered by Mitsui & Co. Ltd.

A Site Office was also opened in SHI’s Block Building facility, Rongcheng, China.

Vessel’s principal particulars: LOA = 293.0m, B = 45.8m, D = 26.2m, T d/s = 11.35/12.0m.

Propelled by 2 x Wartsila 6 x 62DF (Dual Fuel) engines developing 25,080 kW DMCR the vessel will operate at the speed of 19.52 knots. All vessels in the series are classed by ABS and will be built to Singapore flag requirements.

Classification notes: A1(E), Liquefied gas carrier, Ship type 2G (Membrane tank,Maximum pressure 25kPaG and Minimum Temperature -163o C, Specific Gravity 500kg/m3),SFA (40), FL(40),SH,RES,SH-DLA,SHCM,RRDA, AMS,DFD,GCU,TCM,NIBS, ACCU,UWILD,R2,GP,CPS,ENVIRO+,BWE,POT,CRC,RW

Delivery of the vessel is scheduled for 30th November 2018.

RB Jordana nominated significant ships

SMC is pleased to report that RB Jordana was nominated among Significant Ships in ‘2016’ by The Royal Institution of Naval Architects. Built in Sungdong Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering, Korea, MV ”RB Jordana”, Hull No. S1224, was the first unit from the series of 5 x 82,000 DWT Eco Bulk Carriers ordered by RB Shipping Ltd. ( Reuben Brothers)

Vessel’s principal particulars: LOA = 225.0m, B = 32.26m, D = 20.2m, T d/s = 12.2/14.55m. Propelled by MAN B&W 5G60ME-C9.2 Tier II and developing 8,610 KW x 78 rpm at MCR the vessel will operate at the speed of 14 knots. All vessels in the series are classed by NKK and was built to Marshall Island flag requirements.

Classification notation NS*(CSR,BC-A,BC-XII,GRAB 20,PSPC-WBT) (PSCM) (ESP) (IWS) (EA), MNS* M0, CHG, MPP, LSA, RCF, AFS with descriptive notes “Strengthened for heavy cargo loading where hold nos. 2,4 & 6 may be empty”

RB Jordana has been built under plan approval and supervision of S.M.C which also attended model testing during initial design stages in Korea.

Delivery of the vessel was on 16th May 2016.

Launching of mv ”Mimmi Schulte”

SMC is pleased to report Launching Ceremony in Zhejiang East Coast Shipbuilding Co., Ltd, China (Yangfan Shipyard): of mv ”Mimmi Schulte”, Hull No.CV23H BS09, the ninth unit from the series of 12 x 2339 TEU Container carrier ordered by Bernard Schulte & J.P.Morgan.

Vessel’s principal particulars: LOA = 188.85m, B = 30.4m, D = 16.9m, T d/s = 8.50/10.5m. Propelled by MAN B&W 6G60ME-C9.2 Tier II and developing 11,556KW x 93.7 rpm at NCR the vessel will operate at the speed of 18.93 knots. All vessels in the series are classed by Lloyd’s Register and will be built to Singapore flag requirements.

Classification notes: “ 100A1 Container Ship, Ship Right (SDA, FDA plus(25 N/A), ACS(B), CM), LI, *IWS, ECO (IHM, EEDI-3) +LMC, UMS, NAV1 Descriptive Notes: ShipRight(SCM, SERS, (BWMP(T))

Delivery of the vessel is scheduled for end of May 2017.

Welcome Home, Pride of California

BAE Systems dedicates new dry dock at San Diego Ship Repair.

What’s 950 feet long, 205 feet wide, and can lift up to 55,000 long tons? It’s the Pride of California, a newly dedicated floating dry dock now operational at our shipyard in San Diego. With the Pride of California’s ribbon cut, it’s already begun its mission of hosting U.S. Navy ships returning from long deployments and in need of repairs and modernization.

The dry dock is part of our more than $100 million investment in the yard to expand capabilities in San Diego in support of the Navy’s ongoing strategy to increase Asia-Pacific operations, meaning more ships will be based on the West Coast. The Pride of California is now the biggest dry dock in the state and ranks third largest in the United States.

Getting it ready

Alongside representatives from across the ship repair industry, the Port of San Diego community, and members of Congress, we designated the new dry dock the Pride of California during a ceremony on February 11. Since the dry dock’s December arrival, our Ship Repair team worked around the clock to reassemble the Pride of California and get it ready to service its first customer, the USS New Orleans (LPD 18), a San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock ship. The New Orleans entered the new dry dock February 23 for six months’ worth of work that includes repairs to its structure, tanks, ventilation, propulsion systems, and auxiliary systems. In addition, the company will perform repairs and improvements to the crew’s living quarters.

The Pride of California’s size and lifting capacity allows it to service large deck amphibious ships, surface combatants — just about every type of Navy ship — and some commercial vessels, including cruise ships.

Being environmentally friendly

A unique aspect of the Pride of California is its environmentally responsible design. It has two all-electric wing wall cranes; a 250,000 gallon storm water collection system; a non-hazardous underwater hull paint system; a closed loop salt water fire protection system; and an energy-efficient LED lighting system throughout.

Obtaining permits and clearance for a project this big was not easy. It required the support of the Port of San Diego and local, state, and federal agencies. Through this unique partnership, we are ensuring the dry dock’s surrounding environment will flourish. The dry dock’s build process allowed us to develop an environmental habitat that includes the planting of eel grass in San Diego’s south bay; hydro-acoustic monitoring of in-water noise during pier construction to protect marine life; establishment of a bird, marine mammal, and green sea turtle monitoring program; and a transportation management program which reduces the yard’s traffic impact on local neighborhoods.

Keeping sailors close to home

Prior to the Pride of California’s arrival, there were two dry docks in San Diego. Meanwhile, the San Diego region is projected to grow from 60 ships today to 70 or more by 2020, with the need of dry docking services growing proportionately. Without our investment in the new dry dock, ships would have to go to other ports for repair or have critical maintenance deferred. Keeping more ships in San Diego when they undergo maintenance allows our nation’s sailors to remain close to their families while continuing to man their ships after returning from deployments.

Welcome to your new home, Pride of California. We look forward to seeing you as a fixture in the Port of San Diego for many years to come!

Quoted from:–pride-of-california

Delivery of m/v “Windea Leibnitz”

SMC is pleased to report final delivery in Ulstein Shipyard, Norway of: m/v ”WINDEA Leibnitz”, Hull No. 310, the second unit from the series of 2 x 3,200 DWT Service Offshore Vessel ordered by Bernhard Schulte.

Vessel’s principal particulars: LOA = 88.0m, LBP=73.00, B (MLD) = 18.00m, Depth (from MD) = 8.00m, D s/d =6.4/6.0m.

All vessels in the series are classed by DNV and will be built to Gibraltar flag.

Classification notes: SF, E0, Offshore service vessel, DYNOPOS AUTR, CLEAN DESIGN, COMF-V(3) C(3), DK(+), BIS, NAUT-AW. LCS-DC, BWM-T, HELDK.

The vessel designed in Ulstein SY as Offshore Wind Farm Service Vessel, will arranged for totally 60 persons on board (POB), with storage, workshops, meeting rooms, cinema. Service speed of 13.5 knots propelled by 2 Azimuth units, each one driven by a frequency controlled electrical motor. Vessel will be equipped with 2 tunnel thrusters and one retractable Azimuth thruster on for part of vessel. FMEA-analysis for DP 2 approved by IMCA members.

Naming ceremony was held in Ulsteinvik Norway, at Ulstein Shipyard on 2nd March 2017.

Vessel will start service in Sandbank wind farm to ensure the production of green energy from 72 turbines.

Delivery of m/v “FMG Grace”

SMC is pleased to report Vessel Delivery in YZJ Xinfu Shipyard (China Jiangsu Jing Jiang) of mv ”FMG GRACE”, Hull No 1161, the second unit from the series of 4 x 261,000 DWT Very Large Ore Carriers ordered by FORTESCU METALS GROUP LTD (Australia).

Vessel’s principal particulars: LOA = 326.99m, B = 57.00m, D = 25.50m, T d/s = 18.80m. Propelled by MAN B&W 6G80ME-C9.5 with ECT Part Load Tuning and developing 18,240 KW @ 58.0 rpm at CMCR, the vessel will operate at the speed of 14.3 knots. All vessels in the series are classed by Lloyd’s Register and will be built to Hong Kong flag requirements.

Classification notes: Lloyds Register 100A1, Ore Carrier, Strengthened for Regular Discharge by Grabs, ESP, ShipRight (SDA, FDA Plus(25, WW), CM, ACS(B, D)), *IWS, LI, ECO (EEDI-2, BWT, IHM, P) LMC, UMS Single Pass Loading Capability, ShipRight (BWMP(F, T), SEA(HSS-4), SERS, SCM).

Delivery of the vessel is being discussed between Owners and Shipyard.

Ship erection of mv “Interlink Solidity”

SMC is pleased to report Ship Erection starting in M/s. Taizhou Kouan Shipbuilding Co. Ltd, China: of mv ” INTERLINK SOLIDITY”, Hull No. TK1019, the 12th unit from the series of 13 X GREEN DOLPHIN 38,800 DWT Bulk Carriers ordered by Marine Capital Corporation, Bermuda.

Vessel’s principal particulars: LOA = 180.0 m, B = 32.0 m, D = 15.0 m, T d/s = 9.5/10.5 m. Propelled by MAN 5S50ME-B9.3 Tier II engine and developing 4575 KW x 89.9 rpm at CSR the vessel will operate at the speed of 14 knots at 9.50 draft. All vessels in the series are classed by Lloyd’s Register and will be built to Marshall Islands flag requirements.

Classification notes: LR +100A1 Bulk Carrier, CSR, BC-A, Hold Nos. 2, 4 may be empty, Grab [20], ESP, Ship Right (CM, ACS(B,D)), *IWS, LI, ECO(P, BWT, EEDI, IHM), Ice Class 1C FS. + LMC, UMS; With Descriptive notes: Ship Right ((BWMP (F,T), SCM, SERS).

Delivery of the vessel is scheduled for 20th July 2017.

Delivery of mv “Happy Avocet”

SMC is pleased to report vessel’s delivery in STX Offshore & Shipbuilding, Korea: of mv ”Happy Avocet”, Hull No. S4034, the fourth unit from the series of 6 x 12 000 m3 ethylene/LPG/NH3/VCM gas carrier ordered by Ultragas-Europe.

Vessel’s principal particulars: LOA = 146.20m, B = 22.60m, D = 12.10m, T d/s = 7.40/9.30m. Propelled by STX MAN 6S40ME-B9.1 and developing 6,129 KW x 141 rpm at NCR the vessel will operate at the speed of 16.4 knots. All vessels in the series are classed by DnV.GL and will be built to Panama flag requirements.

Classification notes: +1A1 Tanker for liquefied gas, Ship type 2G (-104 deg C, 972 Kg/m3, 5.0 bar), E0, TMON, BIS, COAT-PSPC(B), BWM-E(S) & BWM-T, ICE-C1.

The vessel will be chartered by UNIGAS POOL PARTNERS

Delivery of the vessel is scheduled for 10th of February 2017.

Delivery of LPGC “Arctic Gas”

SMC is pleased to report delivery of LPGC “ARCTIC GAS”, hull No. S4054, from STX Offshore & Shipbuilding, Korea. The vessel is the 3rd and last option vessel of a series of totally seven (4 +3 optional) 22,000 cbm LPG carriers, ordered by Ultragas International S.A and follows the sisters ATLANTIC GAS, ADRIATIC GAS, BALEARIC GAS, CELTIC GAS, BERING GAS and PACIFIC GAS which were previously delivered between 2014 and 2017.

Principal particulars: LOA = 159.7 m, B = 26.6 m, D = 17.4 m, max DWT 24,828 mt on 11.05 m scantling draught. Propelled by MAN B&W 6S50ME-C8.2 developing 6,579 KW at NCR, the vessel will operate at a service speed of 16 knots.

The Danish flagged vessels are classed under Lloyd’s Register (LRS), with following characters:

+100A1, Liquefied Gas Carrier, Ship Type 2G, ShipRight(ACS(B)), +LMC, UMS, LI, *IWS, “ShipRight(BWMP(S,T),SCM)”,+Lloyd’sRMC(LG), GreenPassport

Apart from Propane and Butane Mixtures, the vessel is also suitable for carriage of most other C3/C4 hydrocarbons as well as VCM and Anhydrous Ammonia with a maximum pressure of 5.3 bar, minimum temperature -52°C and maximum specific gravity of 972 Kg/m3. The reliquefaction plant features economizers and vent gas coolers, which apart from improving the COP will also allow to load commercial LPG mixtures with higher content of incondensibles and thus increases the versatility and efficient operation of the vessels.

The vessel sailed from shipyard on January 18 at 13:00 and is expected to carry out gas trials in Yeosu from January 23 to 25.

Delivery of LPGC “Pacific Gas”

SMC is pleased to report delivery of LPGC “PACIFIC GAS”, hull No. S4055, from STX Offshore & Shipbuilding, Korea. The vessel is the 2nd option vessel of a series of totally seven (4 +3 optional) 22,000 cbm LPG carriers, ordered by Ultragas International S.A and follows the sisters ATLANTIC GAS, ADRIATIC GAS, BALEARIC GAS, CELTIC GAS and BERING GAS which were already delivered between 2014 and 2016.

Principal particulars: LOA = 159.7 m, B = 26.6 m, D = 17.4 m, max DWT 24,828 mt on 11.05 m scantling draught. Propelled by MAN B&W 6S50ME-C8.2 developing 6,579 KW at NCR, the vessel will operate at a service speed of 16 knots.

The Danish flagged vessels are classed under Lloyd’s Register (LRS), with following characters: +100A1, Liquefied Gas Carrier, Ship Type 2G, ShipRight(ACS(B)), +LMC, UMS, LI, *IWS, “ShipRight(BWMP(S,T),SCM)”,+Lloyd’sRMC(LG), GreenPassport Apart from Propane and Butane Mixtures, the vessel is also suitable for carriage of most other C3/C4 hydrocarbons as well as VCM and Anhydrous Ammonia with a maximum pressure of 5.3 bar, minimum temperature -52°C and maximum specific gravity of 972 Kg/m3. The reliquefaction plant features economizers and vent gas coolers, which apart from improving the COP will also allow to load commercial LPG mixtures with higher content of incondensibles and thus increases the versatility and efficient operation of the vessels.

The vessel sailed from shipyard on January 12 at 13:00 and is expected to carry out gas trials in Yeosu from January 16 to 18.