SMC News
Blocks of LNG carrier’s towage from China to Korea
Hull No. SN4129, being built under SMC Supervision, is the second unit from the series of 3 x 174,000 m3 LNG Carriers ordered by Mitsui & Co. Ltd.
All vessels in the series are classed by ABS and will be built to Singapore flag requirements.
Due to lack of space in SHI Geoje Shipyard, fabrication of Giga- Blocks takes place mainly in SHI’s facility in Rongcheng, China, under SMC Supervision. The Giga- blocks are transported from China on board a heavy lift vessel. After arrival in SHI Geoje Shipyard on 25th September Giga block B11VC was placed in #3 drydock via floating crane. Giga block B15VC arrived 2 weeks later and was securely moored alongside the quay.
On Saturday 21st October 2017 Giga block B11VC was floated out of #3 drydock, coinciding with the launching of a very large container vessel.
Once the container vessel was clear, B15VC was floated into #3 drydock, followed by B11VC. The dock was then emptied leaving both Giga blocks in position to continue construction of SN2149 under SMC Supervision. Giga block B11VC has a length of 83m, B15VC 84.3m, combined total length of both blocks contain all of #4, #3, #2 Cargo Tanks and 50% of #1 Cargo Tank.
Delivery of SN2149 is scheduled for 30th November 2018.
Steel cutting of the 5th VLOC in Yangzi Xinfu
SMC is pleased to report the massive steel cutting ceremony in Yangzi Xinfu Shipbuilding Co., Ltd, China of MV “ORE SHEN ZHEN” (Hull No. YZJ2015-2273), the fifth unit from the series of 6 x 400,000 DWT Ore Carrier ordered by ICBC Leasing and HKMW.
The vessel is classed by CCS and will be built to Hongkong flag requirements.
Contract Delivery of the vessel is scheduled for 31st January 2019.
Launching of the 1st container vessel in Dongze
SMC is pleased to report launching ceremony in Nanjing Dongze Shipbuilding, China: of Hull No. DZ-58, the first unit from the series of 2 x 558 TEU Container vessel ordered by Asia Pacific Shipmanagement Pte Ltd.
All vessels in the series are classed by Chinese Class Society and was built to Indonesian flag requirements.
Delivery of the vessel is scheduled for 26th September 2017.
Delivery of “MYGAS”
SMC is pleased to report delivery in STX Offshore & Shipbuilding, Korea: of mv “MYGASt”, Hull No. S4036, the sixth unit from the series of 6 x 12 000 m3 ethylene/LPG/NH3/VCM gas carrier ordered by Ultragas-Europe.
All vessels in the series are classed by DnV.GL and will be built to Panama flag requirements. The vessel will be chartered by UNIGAS POOL PARTNERS.
Keel laying of “INTERLINK AMENITY”
Xiangyu Shipyard, Nantong, China: The keel laying (erection in slipway) of INTERLINK AMENITY (Hull no. H0022), the sixth vessel in the series of 8 x 38500 dwt `Green Dolphin’ bulk carriers for Interlink Maritime Corp., Bermuda, was carried out in the presence of site office and class representatives on 08 Sep 2017.
The vessels will be delivered to the owner in Apr 2018.
Erection ceremony of the 1st and 2nd VLOC in Yangzi Xinfu
SMC is pleased to report erection ceremony in Yangzi Xinfu Shipbuilding Co., Ltd, China of MV “ORE TANGSHAN” (Hull No. YZJ2015-2275) and “ORE SHANGHAI” (Hull No. YZJ2015-2276), the first and second unit from the series of 6 x 400,000 DWT Ore Carrier ordered by ICBC Leasing and HKMW.
The two vessels are classed by Dual Class (LR (Leading class) & CCS) and will be built to Hongkong flag requirements.
Contract Delivery of the two vessels is scheduled for 30th June 2018 / 31st August 2018.
Delivery of SPIL HAYU
SMC is pleased to report delivery and departure in Nanjing Dongze Shipyard CO., LTD, Chinaa: of mv “SPIL HAYU”, Hull No. DZ-55, the forth unit from the series of 4 x 900 TEU Container Carrier ordered by Asia Pacific Shipmanagement Pte Ltd.
All vessels in the series are classed by CCS and build to Indonesia flag requirements.
Classification notes: CCS, CSAD Container Ship; Great Costal Service; Loading Computer (S,I); In-Water Survey; CSMD MCC.
Vessel departure on 29th August 2017.
Steel cutting of 70,000 LT FDD in BSIC
SMC is pleased to report Steel cutting in BSIC Shipyard, Qingdao, China of Hull No. FDD70K-01, 1 x 70.000 long ton Floating Dry dock, ordered by Huntington Ingalls Incorporated, USA.
The dock is designed by HEGER USA, who specialize in design of dry docks, with a lifting capacity 70,000 long ton and consists of 3 sections. The dock has been fitted with 20 high capacity de-watering submerged electric pumps which limits dewatering time to 180 minutes with a 70,000 LT vessel on dock. The time required to flood the dock to maximum submergence is 180 minutes with a 70,000 LT vessel on dock and the time required to transfer a 60,000 LT vessel from shore on to the dock is 120 minutes. Two on-board diesel generators provide the primary source of electric power, with a seperate shore side electric power connections while dry dock at shore and generators are not operating. Major machinery and equipment are in port side wing and a wing wall crane on wing deck. The starboard side wings are removable to allow launching and retrieving the docked vessel.
The Floating Dry Dock is classed by ABS. The delivery has been scheduled to carry out on 15 March 2019 and it will be transported by a heavy lift carrier from China to Pascagoula, Mississippi, USA.
Honorary certificate for SMC site team issued by SWS
Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipyard issued an honorary certificate to SMC site office for the contributions that SMC site office had suggested in improving their building technology during construction of VLOCs for China Merchant as following:
- Improve type of “start and end welding template” for improve quality and save cost.
- New WPS of EGW for 75 degree, improve quality and save welding time.
- Improve pipe surface treatment technical, this item is in the progress.
- Some detail design improve for save cost.
Delivery of mv ”Mimmi Schulte”
SMC is pleased to report Delivery Ceremony in Zhejiang East Coast Shipbuilding Co., Ltd, China (Yangfan Shipyard): of mv “Mimmi Schulte”, Hull No.CV23H BS09, the ninth unit from the series of 12 x 2339 TEU Container carrier ordered by Bernard Schulte & J.P.Morgan. Vessel’s principal particulars: LOA = 188.85m, B = 30.4m, D = 16.9m, T d/s = 8.50/10.5m. Propelled by MAN B&W 6G60ME-C9.2 Tier II and developing 11,556KW x 93.7 rpm at NCR the vessel will operate at the speed of 18.93 knots. All vessels in the series are classed by Lloyd’s Register and will be built to Singapore flag requirements. Classification notes: (LR) “100A1 Container Ship, Ship Right (SDA, FDA plus(25 N/A), ACS(B), CM), LI, *IWS, ECO (IHM, EEDI-3) +LMC, UMS, NAV1 Descriptive Notes: ShipRight(SCM, SERS, (BWMP(T)) Vessel supervision was taken over by SMC at the start of construction schedule – on 5th of May 2015.
Following are milestone points
1) Steel cutting – 5th May 2015
2) Keel Laying – 11th Jan. 2016
3) Launching – 5th March 2017
4) Sea Trial – 21st to 24th July 2017
5) Delivery – 9th August 2017