SMC News
Delivery of “CSSC SHI JIA ZHUANG” – 82,000 DWT bulk carrier
SMC is pleased to report delivery at Tianjin Xingang Shipbuilding Heavy Industry Co.,Ltd China of mv “CSSC SHI JIA ZHUANG”, Hull No. NB015-7, the first unit from the series of two 82,000 DWT Bulk Carriers ordered by CSIC Leasing Co., Limited, China.
The vessel will be classed by ABS and built to Hong Kong flag requirements.
Launching of 2,700 TEU container vessel at New Yangzi
SMC is pleased to report launching ceremony in New Yangzi Shipyard, CHINA: of MV” Hull No. YZJ2015-2022, the 1st unit from the series of three 2700 TEU container vessels ordered by SITC.
Vessels in the series are classed by DNV-GL and will be built to Hongkong flag requirements.
Delivery of the vessel is scheduled for 31th October 2020.
SMC delivers two 300T portal cranes at ZPMC
SMC is pleased to report Delivery at ZPMC, China of two 300T portal cranes, Hull No. 1002000175-1&2. The cranes were ordered by Huntington Ingalls Industries, USA.
Delivery of the crane took place on 09 July 2020.
Keel laying of 866 pax ropax at Jinling
SMC is pleased to report Keel laying Ceremony in Jiangsu Jingling Shipbuilding Co., Ltd, China of Hull No. JLZ8180222, 866 pax Green RoPax Vessel ordered by TT Line Green Ropax GmbH & Co. KG.
The vessel is classed by DNV GL and will be built to Germany/Swedish flag requirements.
Vessel supervision was undertaken by SMC at the start of construction schedule from 5th of December 2019.
Steel cutting of accommodation vessel at Chengxi
SMC is pleased to report steel cutting at Chengxi Shipyard (Jiangyin) Co., Ltd, of conversion of accommodation on 700 TEU container vessel, MV SUNSHINE-X, IMO No. 9433949. She is the first unit form the series of two conversion of accommodation on 700 TEU container vessel ordered by General Partner Adria.
The vessel will be classed by BV. Delivery of the vessel is scheduled for 30th Nov 2020.
Delivery of 63,500 DWT bulk carrier at Dayang
SMC is pleased to report the delivery of vessel MV SCORPIO CONFIDENCE at New Dayang Shipbuilding Co. Ltd., Yangzhou, China. This ship is the sixth from a series of eight 63,500 DWT geared bulk carriers ordered by AVIC International Leasing, China.
She is classed by BV and built to Marshal Island flag requirements.
Delivery of 556,000 DWT product oil/chemical tanker at Chegnxi
SMC is pleased to report Naming Ceremony at Chengxi Shipyard (Yangzhou) CO., LTD, Hongkong of mv “GW DOLPHIN”, Hull No. CX5001, the first unit from the series of two 556,000 DWT product oil/chemical tanker ordered by Goldwin, Hongkong.
The vessel is classed by LR and built to Hongkong flag requirements.
Launching of 82,000 DWT bulk carrier at YAMIC
SMC is pleased to report the Launching at Jiangsu Yangzhi – Mitsui Shipbuiilding Co., Ltd”
(YAMIC), China, of Vessel Hull No. YZJ2015-2097, the first of a series of two 82,000 DWT bulk carriers ordered by United Wave Shipping S.A., Japan.
The Vessel will be classed by Class NK and built to Panamanian Flag requirements.
Launching of 2,400 TEU container vessel at YZJ
SMC is pleased to report launching ceremony in New Yangzi Shipyard, China: of Hull No. YZJ2015-2012, the 5th unit from the series of six 2400 TEU container vessels ordered by SITC, China.
Vessels in the series are classed by DNV-GL will be built to Hongkong flag requirements.
Delivery of the vessel is scheduled for 30th September 2020.
Keel laying of 113,000 DWT crude oil tanker at COSCO Zhoushan
SMC is pleased to report keel laying at Cosco Zhoushan Shipyard, China of “MV STIRLING”, Hull No. N755, the first unit from the series of two 113,000 DWT crude oil tanker ordered by Union Maritime Limited, UK.
The vessel will be classed by LR and built to Marshal Island flag requirements.
Delivery of the vessel is scheduled for 13th May 2021.