Delivery of mv “Molly Schulte”
January 2, 2018Launching of VLOC in Yangzi Xinfu
January 15, 2018VIGOR’s FDD sailed out on ZPMC #33 from Qingdao, China
The Floating Dry Dock (FDD) was originally inspected and evaluated in South Korea by SMC for another American company in the latter part of 2016.
SMC was looking after the dock and writing upgrade and convers specifications when the original intended buyer dropped out. Through our brokerage connections in the United States SMC successfully renegotiated with the new buyer, Vigor, to continue our work.
Due to paperwork and preparations the FDD did not leave South Korea until late June 2017 when it was towed (wet tow) to Qingdao and into BSIC repair division. After months of extensive upgrades and modifications the vessel was ready for departure before Christmas 2017. Unfortunately due to logistic and paperwork issues the vessel departure was delayed until 9th January, the time not being lost as more high quality painting was added to the dry dock before departure.
Smooth sailing aboard the heavy lift ship Zhen Hua 33, the dock should arrive in Seattle, west coast of United States 3rd / 4th February and will be immediately put into use for the new owner Vigor.