SMC 新闻


8月16日,海上风电运维母船(SOV) “至臻100”和“至诚60” 命名暨交船仪式在启东顺利举行。这两艘SOV为上海电气风电集团股份有限公司(以下简称“电气风电”)所有,上海振华重工所建造,贝仕海事咨询公司(Schulte Marine Concept, 以下简称“SMC”)负责项目的图纸审核、并对船舶建造过程和调试工作进行现场监造。

SMC董事总经理Krzysztof Kozdron先生表示,“我们倍感荣幸能够参与这个具有历史意义的项目。这两艘SOV是中国自主建造的首批海上风电运维母船,彰显了中国船舶建造技术的巨大提升。这些技术先进的现代化船舶,必将为中国海上风电场的运营和维护提供有力保障,加快推动中国海上风能行业深化发展。”


这两艘船采用乌斯坦公司的 X-BOW® 船艏设计,均为可在深远海风场进行连续运维作业的专用高效船舶,集高效运维、绿色运维、智能运维、安全运维于一体,配备DP2动力定位系统,均具有载货空间大,载重量大的风机备品备件仓储能力,自持力均达30天以上,满足无限航区要求。两船都配置了主动波浪补偿栈桥,能够克服波浪引起船体位移和姿态变化带来的影响,实现严苛海况下的人员和运维备件高效转运及风场维护作业,大幅提高船舶运维窗口期;配置了折臂式海工起重机、运维工作子艇、登艇架和铝合金直升机平台;采用柴电电力和锂电池混合动力方案,配置全电力推进系统和直流母排配电系统,取得中国船级社(CCS)混合动力和绿色船舶入级符号;配置先进的智能运维系统,可有效提高运维效率,减少工作强度。

SMC隶属于贝仕集团,是一家广受信赖的新造船和改装船技术咨询服务公司,在中国造船市场拥有丰富的服务经验,赢得广泛赞誉。近年来,SMC持续发展壮大,截至目前,总监理业绩已达975艘船,其中监理中的船舶总数约250艘,涵盖散货船、集装箱船、杂货船、多用途船、化学品船、成品油轮、原油轮、气体运输船(LNG、LPG、LEG、LCO2、NH3、FSRU)、客船和滚装船等多种类型,以及海工船和特种船等。此外,为提高效率,SMC还升级了图纸审核软件(PAL-PA)和现场监理软件(PAL-NB),并推出了 PAL-NB Mobile手机应用程序。


OR 图源:上海振华重工

Delivery of 63,600 DWT Bulk Carrier at COSCO Zhoushan Shipyard

SMC is delighted to announce the Delivery Ceremony for a 63,600 DWT bulk carrier (Hull No N1093) under its supervision at COSCO Zhoushan Shipyard, China. This is the eighth vessels in a series of eight ordered by Bank of Communications Financial Leasing Co., Ltd, China.

The vessel will be classed by CCS and built to Liberia flag requirements. The delivery of the vessel is scheduled for 15 August 2024.

Keel Laying of 696 TEU Container Vessel at Xinle Shipyard

SMC is delighted to announce the Keel Laying Ceremony for a 696 TEU container vessel (Hull No. XL-206) under its supervision at Xinle Shipyard, China. This is the fourth vessel in a series of four ordered by PT Perusahaan Pelayaran Nusantara Panurjwan, Indonesia.

The vessel will be classed by ABS and built to Panama flag requirements. The delivery of the vessel is scheduled for 30 December 2024.

Launching of 82,000 DWT Bulk Carrier at Hengli Shipyard

SMC is delighted to announce the Launching Ceremony for an 82,000 DWT bulk carrier (Hull No. HN2005) under its supervision at Hengli Shipyard, China. This is the first vessel in a series of four vessels ordered by Hairun Shipping Limited Company, China.

The vessel will be classed by ABS Register and built to Liberia flag requirements. The delivery of the vessel is scheduled for 20 October 2024.

Keel Laying of 174,000 m3 LNG Carrier at Samsung Heavy Industries

SMC is delighted to announce the Keel Laying Ceremony for a 174,000 m3 LNG carrier (Hull no. SN2637) under its supervision at Samsung Heavy Industries, Korea. This vessel is ordered by Tropic 11 Limited, Bermuda.

The vessel will be classed by American Bureau of Shipping and built to Republic of Liberia flag requirements. The delivery of the vessel is scheduled for 16 June 2025.

Delivery of 82,000 DWT Bulk Carrier at Jiangsu New Hantong Ship Heavy Industry

SMC is delighted to announce the Delivery for an 82,000 DWT bulk carrier [SCION MATHILDA] under its supervision at Jiangsu New Hantong Ship Heavy Industry Co., Ltd, China. This is the first vessel in a series of four ordered by Scion Shipping & Trading, GmbH & Co. KG, Germany.

The vessel was classed by Lloyd’s Register and built to Liberia flag requirements. The vessel was delivered on 12 August 2024.

Keel Laying of 62,000 DWT Heavy-lift Multi-purpose Vessel at Chengxi Shipyard

SMC is delighted to announce Keel Laying Ceremony for a 62,000 DWT heavy-lift multi-purpose vessel (Hull No. CX9607) under its supervision at CSSC Chengxi Shipyard (Yangzhou), China. This is the seventh vessel in a series of twelve ordered by Bank of Communications Financials Leasing Co., Ltd, China.

The vessel will be classed by CCS and built to Liberia flag requirements. The delivery of the vessel is scheduled on 07 December 2024.