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6 2 月, 2024Schulte Marine Concept elevates maritime expertise with specialized PCTC training
Schulte Marine Concept continues to advance and deepen the internal knowledge pool with a one-day training session for its personnel on 26th January 2024.
The training program, tailored specifically for PCTC vessels, covered a wide range of topics critical to maritime operations, including vessel handling, cargo stowage, safety protocols, regulatory compliance, and environmental protection measures.
The training was provided by experts from Korean Register, China with online participation and support from the Korean Register head office in the South Korea.
Training kicked off with an introduction of the vessel specific construction monitoring plan highlighting the areas which need special attention during design and construction. It was followed by a session dedicated to lashing arrangements and the related challenges and solutions. Special emphasis was given to the hull part of PCTC taking into account the design constraints due to the large open deck, thin plating and fatigue laods.
The morning session was followed by further special EV (electric vehicles) notation discussions which has been a hot topic due to the increase in transportation of electric vehicles and the need for enhanced fire detection and firefighting systems onboard vessels.
Other subjects such as LNG dual fuel systems, welding of thin plates, WPS, welders qualification etc. related to the PCTC vessels were also presented in detail.
By investing in human capital and fostering collaboration between industry stakeholders, Schulte Marine Concept and the Korean Register are reinforcing the foundation for a safer, more sustainable future for maritime transportation.